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Set Intentions - Not Resolutions

Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution that you actually kept until the end of the year?

If the answer is no, you’re not alone. At all.

Research shows that only 10% of people successfully stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

So this year, try setting intentions for what you want in this New Year.

I want to explore the power of setting a New Year Intention instead of a resolution. There are some key differences between these two actions and it can be helpful to find out which one will help you successfully meet your aspirations and stick to them throughout the year.

The Difference Between a Resolution and an Intention

A resolution is a statement to change something you want to fix about yourself or your lifestyle. As a result, resolutions tend to inspire negative thoughts about your current situation.

An intention is more focused on creating abundance in your life. An intention does not imply something is wrong with the way you currently live, but instead, it motivates you to live even better - it comes from a place of compassion.

Now that you know a little bit about how these two differ, let’s look at which one is more powerful - and why.

New Year’s Resolution vs. New Year Intention: Which is Better?

While making a resolution can be a powerful tool to meet your New Year aspirations and goals, it can start to feel like an impossible burden. Resolutions are rigid and offer little flexibility, which can often set you up for failure.

But when you set an intention, you approach your aspirations and goals with more compassion for yourself. As a result, you feel less pressured to create change and more inspired to take action.

  • Resolutions focus on the negative while intentions focus on the positive

  • Resolutions spotlight what you lack and intentions highlight what you have

  • Resolutions are strict and intentions are adaptable

  • Resolutions don’t typically work, intentions do

Set a Powerful Intention for the New Year.

An intention is something to live by that you can carry with you throughout the year and maybe even into the years to come. When you set an intention, you choose to live more mindfully and be open to new outcomes.

Here are a few simple steps to help you set intentions:

  • Clearly articulate what you want to cultivate or achieve

  • Create an affirmation around your intention (an affirmation is an “I am” statement that you repeat to yourself in the present tense as if it is already true)

  • Simplify your intention into a one-word mantra

  • Return to your intention regularly: write it down, save it on your phone and repeat it to yourself frequently, frequently journal about how you are living with the intention

Examples of Powerful New Year Intentions

Here are some examples to help you create your unique intention for the new year:

The Intention: I want to move up in my company and make more money so I can travel more frequently.

The Affirmation: I am worthy of my wildest dreams, and I’m on my path to making them a reality.

The Mantra: Success.

The Intention: I intend to live with more compassion for myself and others.

The Affirmation: I am capable of giving and receiving unconditional love.

The Mantra: Love.

The Intention: I want to live in the moment without worrying about the past or future.

The Affirmation: I am present, living in the only moment that truly exists: right now.

The Mantra: Presence.

Are you ready to take your intention a step further and continue on your path to even more personal growth?

Make a commitment to yourself, your mindfulness practice, self-compassion, and add meditation into your life. I host several different types of classes, workshops, and meditation training to support you on your journey. I hope to connect with you in 2022!

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